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Published by UNICEF. The Toolkit provides detailed steps, guidance and tools for developing and implementing a rights-based advocacy strategy. It includes a section on working with children and young people.
A handbook for youth practitioners with guidance and resources which outlines the importance of planning, monitoring, reviewing and evaluating in everyday youth work practice.
Guidance for effective engagement with Young People, including a list of actions, their pros and cons, and the conditions to set them up.
Based on the Lundy model, Hub na nÓg (Ireland) developed several forms for children and young people to complete at the end of meetings, events or activities to evaluate interaction with adult decision-makers either in person or online.
Very useful checklist to support meaningful participation in planning and evaluation based on the Lundy Model.
A guide for meaningful child and youth participation in philanthropy.
A ‘learning journal’ template done in a spreadsheet that you can replicate and use in any project