Displaying 21 - 30 of 72

This booklet provides a range of tools that you can use with different stakeholders, especially children and young people, to gather and analyse information to monitor and evaluate the scope, quality and outcomes of children’s participation.
A practical guide to including seldom-heard children and young people in decision-making.
Research mapping on children’s collective participation, including information on who tends to be left out.
Published by Tusla (Child and Family Agency), Ireland (2016). This toolkit offers a framework, and ways for professionals working in child protection and family support to support children’s participation in decision-making. It contains many…
Council of Europe website with resources on Education for Democratic Citizenship and Human Rights Education (until 2017).
This guide seeks to share tips, tools and stories of change from the LEAP project in order to enable others to set up their own communities of practice and strengthen commitments to participatory practice when supporting children and young people…
This Toolkit aims to support those working with children and young people is to engage them in advocating for children’s right to participate in decision-making processes. It includes tools and methods to empower children to contribute to change in…
This report has been developed by Professor Laura Lundy and Dr Michelle Templeton of the Centre for Children’s Rights at Queen’s University Belfast, in the frame of the project “Protecting and Empowering Children as Human Rights Defenders” devised,…
A bank of ideas for taking action on violence against Children and Young People.