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Web resource promoting a child-centred and rights-based educational philosophy. The Reggio Emilia approach is an educational philosophy focused on pre-school and primary education. It uses self-directed and experiential learning. The program is…
Web resource published by UNICEF. UNICEF’s Child Friendly Cities initiative promotes cities where the voices, needs, priorities and rights of children are an integral part of public policies, programmes and decisions. The website includes…
A guide by with useful questions, tips and orientations for making your organisations more participatory.
Web resource administered by UNICEF UK supports schools to embed children’s human rights in their ethos and culture. The award is based on principles of equality, dignity, respect, non-discrimination and participation. The initiative started in 2006…
The Article 15 Project supports the capacities of children and youth around the world to self-organise and fulfil their rights, in partnership with adults. It includes a set of activities like ‘Organisational Diagram’ and ‘Decision-making Chart’ (…
This booklet provides a range of tools that you can use with different stakeholders, especially children and young people, to gather and analyse information to monitor and evaluate the scope, quality and outcomes of children’s participation.
Published by Tusla (Child and Family Agency), Ireland (2016). This toolkit offers a framework, and ways for professionals working in child protection and family support to support children’s participation in decision-making. It contains many…
Guidelines, supported by examples, on how to setup child-friendly complaint mechanisms.
Council of Europe website with resources on Education for Democratic Citizenship and Human Rights Education (until 2017).
Compendium on the “The future of young people’s political participation: questions, challenges and opportunities” prepared by the EU – Council of Europe Youth Partnership (2019).