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A complete resource to evaluate the quality and scope of child participation in project, organisation or country.
This booklet provides a range of tools that you can use with different stakeholders, especially children and young people, to gather and analyse information to monitor and evaluate the scope, quality and outcomes of children’s participation.
This publication provides practical information, guidelines, training materials, inspiring case studies and participatory tools to support organisations and professionals working with children to engage with children as rights holders and social…
This Toolkit aims to support those working with children and young people is to engage them in advocating for children’s right to participate in decision-making processes. It includes tools and methods to empower children to contribute to change in…
This toolkit is for any young person who wants to start their own advocacy campaign. If you are a teacher or a facilitator, you can also use this toolkit with your group to inspire them to work out which children’s rights issues they care about and…
Guidelines and a short video on how to move from investigating children’s needs, and priorities to taking collaborative action with children.
A great manual to support evaluating participation with children and young people. It was created as part of the Amplified project run by YoungMinds and commissioned by NHS England.
his publication offers a practical set of tools for those working with children to implement meaningful children’s participation and encourage collaboration between generations. Throughout the six modules, the user is guided on how to run sessions…
This section of the Handbook focuses on the organisations or systems within which professionals work – for example, schools, early childhood education centres, hospitals, health clinics, offices, justice and child protection systems. It explores how…
Annex 7 of the Council of Europe Handbook on children's participation list questions to consider while preparing for collective participation of children