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National Child Strategy covers the current state of well-being and rights of children and young people in Finland as well as the key objectives and measures to promote these issues.
This handbook introduces the theory and practice of chidlren's participation. It is a guide to thinking through building participatory environments and supporting individual and collective participation.  It includes checklists and practice examples.
A publication primarily for local governments who wish to establish or strengthen formal participatory mechanisms for children. The material draws on evidence from interviews undertaken in 2021 in 11 high-income countries.  Children and supporting…
The National Child Strategy created a 10-part online training package on the rights of the child and children’s participation in particular to support professionals in their everyday work.
A video presenting children’s views on participation in workshops organized as part of the CP4Europe project. Language: Finnish with English subtitles.
Guidelines for developing a National Children’s Participation Strategy or a Participation Strategy within a National Children’s Rights Strategy
This is a short summary of the Council for Europe Child Participation Tool, designed with and for children.