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Web resource administered by UNICEF UK supports schools to embed children’s human rights in their ethos and culture. The award is based on principles of equality, dignity, respect, non-discrimination and participation. The initiative started in 2006…
The Article 15 Project supports the capacities of children and youth around the world to self-organise and fulfil their rights, in partnership with adults. It includes a set of activities like ‘Organisational Diagram’ and ‘Decision-making Chart’ (…
A manual launched by Save the Children in the framework of the project “A Civil Society for Children’s Rights in the MENA Region”, developed to support young people and adults/organizations to better understand Child Led Data Collection and the…
This booklet provides a range of tools that you can use with different stakeholders, especially children and young people, to gather and analyse information to monitor and evaluate the scope, quality and outcomes of children’s participation.
A complete resource to evaluate the quality and scope of child participation in project, organisation or country.
A handbook for youth practitioners with guidance and resources which outlines the importance of planning, monitoring, reviewing and evaluating in everyday youth work practice.
Guidelines and activities for reviewing with teenagers and in intergenerational groups.
This report has been developed by Professor Laura Lundy and Dr Michelle Templeton of the Centre for Children’s Rights at Queen’s University Belfast, in the frame of the project “Protecting and Empowering Children as Human Rights Defenders” devised,…
This framework identifies key aspects of adolescent participation and how it works in practice, with a view to building evidence to support adolescents’ right to participation.
A booklet written for children and young people going through age assessment procedures on their rights. available in French, English and Portuguese.