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Council of Europe website with resources on Education for Democratic Citizenship and Human Rights Education (until 2017).
Guidelines, supported by examples, on how to setup child-friendly complaint mechanisms.
This guide seeks to share tips, tools and stories of change from the LEAP project in order to enable others to set up their own communities of practice and strengthen commitments to participatory practice when supporting children and young people…
This framework identifies key aspects of adolescent participation and how it works in practice, with a view to building evidence to support adolescents’ right to participation.
Research with children with disabilities about their digital rights
Compendium on the “The future of young people’s political participation: questions, challenges and opportunities” prepared by the EU – Council of Europe Youth Partnership (2019).
A booklet written for children and young people going through age assessment procedures on their rights. available in French, English and Portuguese.
Compass is a resource of information, tools and tips for human rights education with young people. It is currently available in more than 30 languages, ranging from Arabic and Japanese to Icelandic and Basque.
Camille Warrington talks about how to take a trauma informed approach to collaborative research with and by young people
his publication offers a practical set of tools for those working with children to implement meaningful children’s participation and encourage collaboration between generations. Throughout the six modules, the user is guided on how to run sessions…