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Council of Europe website with resources on Education for Democratic Citizenship and Human Rights Education (until 2017).
Compendium on the “The future of young people’s political participation: questions, challenges and opportunities” prepared by the EU – Council of Europe Youth Partnership (2019).
A resources pool hosted by SALTO Participation and Information Resource Centre. The Participation Resource Pool provides trainers, youth workers, youth leaders and educators with access to online tools on media literacy training and innovative…
This Toolkit has been developed for those who are planning to involve children and young people in their initiatives and projects. It is informed by a children’s rights-based model of child participation – the Lundy Model.
This report introduces and explains principles, concepts, and practical considerations, in order to fill gaps in understanding the practices of children’s participation in business. It is the result of a Global Child Forum research project aiming to…
Annex 8 of the Council of Europe Handbook on children's participation includes a checklist for professionals on how to support freedom of expression and association of children involved in participatory processes.
This section of the Handbook focuses on the rights of individual children to have their views taken into account in day-to-day decision making, meetings, interviews, hearings and proceedings, for example in schools, early years centres, hospitals,…
Final report on a study on child participation in EU political and democratic life, commissioned by the European Commission in 2020, published in 2021. The report covers 27 Member States and the UK. More than 200 children and young people shared…
The Framework supports departments, agencies and organisations to improve their practice in listening to children and young people and giving them a voice in decision-making.
This study represents another milestone on the journey of supporting philanthropic practice in becoming more inclusive and closer to those it serves. It is based on: a survey of and interviews with 40 European philanthropic organisations; focus…