Displaying 1 - 10 of 24

A guide by with useful questions, tips and orientations for making your organisations more participatory.
A manual launched by Save the Children in the framework of the project “A Civil Society for Children’s Rights in the MENA Region”, developed to support young people and adults/organizations to better understand Child Led Data Collection and the…
A video on what the main issues around ethical research involving children are and what can be done to reinforce its importance.
Guidance for effective engagement with Young People, including a list of actions, their pros and cons, and the conditions to set them up.
This toolkit was developed to support organisations in developing and managing partnerships with young people, "recognising that meaningful partnerships with youth-led organisations and groups may require different considerations and ways of working…
A toolkit developed for children in Newport, by children in Newport as part of the Children First Pioneer Pilot, intended for use with Key Stage 2 aged children, in order to support them to conduct a research and action project in their school to…
Developed by the YouCreate PAR Project, this toolkit includes an Art-kit to guide youth leaders in planning and leading activities, the YouCreate Project Guide to help project staff to understand the YouCreate project and how they can support youth…
The series "Taking Part in Making Decisions: Training for 8 to 12-year-olds" has a booklet dedicated to preparing and involving children in recruitment from preparation to employment.
Camille Warrington talks about how to take a trauma informed approach to collaborative research with and by young people