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Published by UNICEF. The Toolkit provides detailed steps, guidance and tools for developing and implementing a rights-based advocacy strategy. It includes a section on working with children and young people.
This booklet provides a range of tools that you can use with different stakeholders, especially children and young people, to gather and analyse information to monitor and evaluate the scope, quality and outcomes of children’s participation.
A complete resource to evaluate the quality and scope of child participation in project, organisation or country.
A handbook for youth practitioners with guidance and resources which outlines the importance of planning, monitoring, reviewing and evaluating in everyday youth work practice.
A practical guide to including seldom-heard children and young people in decision-making.
Research mapping on children’s collective participation, including information on who tends to be left out.
Funded by The European Commission and published by Babes-Bolyai University. A training resource for professionals who want to increase their skills in working with Roma communities. It provides top tips and reflective exercises.
Council of Europe website with resources on Education for Democratic Citizenship and Human Rights Education (until 2017).
This framework identifies key aspects of adolescent participation and how it works in practice, with a view to building evidence to support adolescents’ right to participation.
Published by the German Kindernothilfe (2019). This booklet encourages ‘taking off’ on the journey of children’s participation. Its chapters have been adapted to a child-friendly situation analysis tool – the Hot Air Balloon. This visual tool is…