Handbook on Children's Participation Section 1 - Understanding children's participation in theory and practice


This section of the Handbook will help professionals who work in education, health, alternative care, child protection, immigration and asylum, family support and pre-school services to understand what is meant by the term “children’s participation” and the important role they can play in taking children’s views into account in decisions. The section explains the principles and concepts that inform the practice, process, quality and forms of meaningful, ethical and sustainable participation.

List people or organisations involved in producing the resource

Council of Europe

Theory to Practice (models and frameworks)
Age range of target people
0-8 years
9-12 years
13-15 years
16-18 years
Characteristics of children and groups
All children
Care experience
Living in poverty
Living with violence
Living rurally
Living in a city
Contact with the criminal justice system
Young carers
Refugees, asylum seekers, undocumented migrants
Ethnic, religious, linguistic minorities
Roma, Sinti, Travellers
Persons with disabilities
Modes of participation
Phases in cycle of participation
Connecting with Children
Identifying Issues and Priorities
Investigating Children's Views
Taking Action
Following-up on Actions
Evaluating and Sharing
Profile of target group
Artists & Cultural Operators
Healthcare Professionals (Doctors, Nurses, Community Health)
Educators (e.g. teachers)
Social Workers
Youth Workers
Type of resource
electronic publication (PDF)
Target group's degree of knowledge