HELP Online course on Child-friendly Justice and Children’s Rights
An online course on Child-friendly Justice and Children’s Rights developed in an interactive way. It includes various practical exercises to ensure the adequate acquisition of knowledge, skills and values.
List people or organisations involved in producing the resource
Council of Europe
Theory to Practice (models and frameworks)
Age range of target people
0-8 years
9-12 years
13-15 years
16-18 years
Characteristics of children and groups
Contact with the criminal justice system
Modes of participation
Phases in cycle of participation
Connecting with Children
Identifying Issues and Priorities
Investigating Children's Views
Taking Action
Following-up on Actions
Evaluating and Sharing

Category of content
A resource
Skills trained
Facilitation and Training
Profile of target group
Other (please specify)
Type of resource
If other target group please specify
Civil and criminal judges; Lawyers; Prosecutors; Children’s Rights experts intervening in judicial proceedings and professionals working within the child protection system; Staff of the Ombudspersons’ offices and NGOs
Target group's degree of knowledge