Referential of Good Practices for Enhancing Child Participation - in the Promotion and Protection of the Rights of the Child


The Referential of Good Practices aims to compile practices that have been or are being implemented by Portuguese and Norwegian entities acting in the area of the promotion of rights and the protection of children, based on child participation or that involve it, and that have proven to yield good results, namely in facilitating and stimulating child participation in matters that respect them, as well as in ensuring children’s right to participate, to be heard and to have their opinions taken in consideration in all areas of life in society.

List people or organisations involved in producing the resource

National Commission for the Promotion of the Rights and the Protection of Children, Young People of Portugal, Agency for Child and Family Welfare of the City of Oslo

Theory to Practice (models and frameworks)
Building Participatory Environments
Age range of target people
0-8 years
9-12 years
13-15 years
16-18 years
Characteristics of children and groups
All children
Care experience
Living in poverty
Living with violence
Living rurally
Living in a city
Contact with the criminal justice system
Young carers
Refugees, asylum seekers, undocumented migrants
Ethnic, religious, linguistic minorities
Roma, Sinti, Travellers
Persons with disabilities
Modes of participation
Phases in cycle of participation
Connecting with Children
Identifying Issues and Priorities
Investigating Children's Views
Taking Action
Following-up on Actions
Evaluating and Sharing
Skills trained
Facilitation and Training
Profile of target group
Educators (e.g. teachers)
Social Workers
Youth Workers
Municipality Staff
Local Authorities (Policy-makers; Decision-makers)
Type of resource
electronic publication (PDF)
Target group's degree of knowledge