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'In 2006, the Committee held a day of general discussion on the right of the child to be heard in order to explore the meaning and significance of article 12, its linkages to other articles, and the gaps, good practices and priority issues that need…
This guide serves to inspire businesses and civil society organizations interested in respecting and supporting children’s rights and specifically, the child’s right to be heard as it relates to the ten Children’s Rights and Business Principles.…
The UN Committee on the Rights of the Child provides guidance to States on the measures necessary to ensure the realization of the rights of children during adolescence. Available in English, French, Spanish, Russian, as well as Chinese and Arabic.
Developed to help member states self-assess their compliance with the Council of Europe’s standards for youth policy, and to serve as a basis for self-paced youth policy development.
Compendium on the “The future of young people’s political participation: questions, challenges and opportunities” prepared by the EU – Council of Europe Youth Partnership (2019).
Guide for adults who want to support child-led demonstrations.
This is a toolkit for working with young people experiencing vulnerability. The focus is on mental health settings but is is relevant to other areas
A resources pool hosted by SALTO Participation and Information Resource Centre. The Participation Resource Pool provides trainers, youth workers, youth leaders and educators with access to online tools on media literacy training and innovative…
An online course to examine your understanding of runaways and formulate effective responses for better intervention and prevention.
A guide for meaningful child and youth participation in philanthropy.