Displaying 61 - 70 of 126

This is a toolkit for working with young people experiencing vulnerability. The focus is on mental health settings but is is relevant to other areas
This handbook introduces the theory and practice of chidlren's participation. It is a guide to thinking through building participatory environments and supporting individual and collective participation.  It includes checklists and practice examples.
The series "Taking Part in Making Decisions: Training for 8 to 12-year-olds" has a booklet dedicated to preparing and involving children in recruitment from preparation to employment.
This guide was designed to help engaging with children during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Guidelines and a short video on how to move from investigating children’s needs, and priorities to taking collaborative action with children.
A great manual to support evaluating participation with children and young people. It was created as part of the Amplified project run by YoungMinds and commissioned by NHS England.
Camille Warrington talks about how to take a trauma informed approach to collaborative research with and by young people
Guide for adults who want to support child-led demonstrations.
This Toolkit has been developed for those who are planning to involve children and young people in their initiatives and projects. It is informed by a children’s rights-based model of child participation – the Lundy Model.
An online course to examine your understanding of runaways and formulate effective responses for better intervention and prevention.