Displaying 91 - 100 of 101
A design thinking process with Child Advisory Team (CAT) to facilitate development of a campaign concept, messages, and assets targeting decision makers (e.g., politicians) and administrators
A series of Training Modules to promote meaningful adolescent participation in decision making
Developed through Reaching In, a project working with Roma children and families. The document shares professionals’ perspectives on challenges to inclusive and impactful children’s participation and strategies for overcoming some of these
To think more about how to be ready to partner with child or youth-led organisations look in this resource with principles for supporting girl-led groups.
A ‘learning journal’ template done in a spreadsheet that you can replicate and use in any project
The National Child Strategy created a 10-part online training package on the rights of the child and children’s participation in particular to support professionals in their everyday work.
A video presenting children’s views on participation in workshops organized as part of the CP4Europe project. Language: Finnish with English subtitles.
A guide for decision makers about meaningful children's participation in shaping decisions
Guidelines for developing a National Children’s Participation Strategy or a Participation Strategy within a National Children’s Rights Strategy
This is a short summary of the Council for Europe Child Participation Tool, designed with and for children.