Displaying 1 - 10 of 18

Published by Dynamix. This publication contains many tried and tested activities and tools for engaging children and young people and running creative and collaborative sessions.
Commissioned by the Dutch Child and Hospital Foundation/ZorgBelang the Netherlands. The handbook explores children’s participation in a hospital setting and outlines a number of methods for gathering children’s views tested in Dutch Hospitals. It…
Published by the Council of Europe and SOS Children’s Villages. A guide to inform social care professionals of the rights of children in alternative care and, in doing so, to promote a child rights-based approach to their practice.
This publication provides practical information, guidelines, training materials, inspiring case studies and participatory tools to support organisations and professionals working with children to engage with children as rights holders and social…
Produced within the context of the EU funded project, CONNECT – Identifying good practices in, and improving, the connections between actors involved in reception, protection and integration of unaccompanied children in Europe, 2014.
Developed to help member states self-assess their compliance with the Council of Europe’s standards for youth policy, and to serve as a basis for self-paced youth policy development.
This booklet is intended to support social workers to involve children in the process of safeguarding in a positive, supportive and enabling way.
Compass is a resource of information, tools and tips for human rights education with young people. It is currently available in more than 30 languages, ranging from Arabic and Japanese to Icelandic and Basque.
This Toolkit has been developed for those who are planning to involve children and young people in their initiatives and projects. It is informed by a children’s rights-based model of child participation – the Lundy Model.
This is a tool to stimulate and support child participation opportunities in full respect for their rights, while keeping in mind the special attention required by children belonging to vulnerable groups or with personal conditions of vulnerability…