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Published by Dynamix. This publication contains many tried and tested activities and tools for engaging children and young people and running creative and collaborative sessions.
A manual launched by Save the Children in the framework of the project “A Civil Society for Children’s Rights in the MENA Region”, developed to support young people and adults/organizations to better understand Child Led Data Collection and the…
A practical guide to including seldom-heard children and young people in decision-making.
Guidance for effective engagement with Young People, including a list of actions, their pros and cons, and the conditions to set them up.
This report has been developed by Professor Laura Lundy and Dr Michelle Templeton of the Centre for Children’s Rights at Queen’s University Belfast, in the frame of the project “Protecting and Empowering Children as Human Rights Defenders” devised,…
This Toolkit has been developed for those who are planning to involve children and young people in their initiatives and projects. It is informed by a children’s rights-based model of child participation – the Lundy Model.
This report introduces and explains principles, concepts, and practical considerations, in order to fill gaps in understanding the practices of children’s participation in business. It is the result of a Global Child Forum research project aiming to…
Guidance on how to create safe digital environments that enable children and young people’s participation.
UNICEF's Tip Sheet series offers suggestions for 1) adults, and 2) adolescents and youth, to support the safe and meaningful participation of adolescents and youth in different settings.
Very useful checklist to support meaningful participation in planning and evaluation based on the Lundy Model.