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This booklet provides a range of tools that you can use with different stakeholders, especially children and young people, to gather and analyse information to monitor and evaluate the scope, quality and outcomes of children’s participation.
A complete resource to evaluate the quality and scope of child participation in project, organisation or country.
A handbook for youth practitioners with guidance and resources which outlines the importance of planning, monitoring, reviewing and evaluating in everyday youth work practice.
This framework identifies key aspects of adolescent participation and how it works in practice, with a view to building evidence to support adolescents’ right to participation.
his publication offers a practical set of tools for those working with children to implement meaningful children’s participation and encourage collaboration between generations. Throughout the six modules, the user is guided on how to run sessions…
A great manual to support evaluating participation with children and young people. It was created as part of the Amplified project run by YoungMinds and commissioned by NHS England.
Children’s participation rights in Finland  as summary of the Current State  and Key Development Needs 
This section of the Handbook focuses on the rights of individual children to have their views taken into account in day-to-day decision making, meetings, interviews, hearings and proceedings, for example in schools, early years centres, hospitals,…
This section of the Handbook focuses on the organisations or systems within which professionals work – for example, schools, early childhood education centres, hospitals, health clinics, offices, justice and child protection systems. It explores how…
Annex 7 of the Council of Europe Handbook on children's participation list questions to consider while preparing for collective participation of children