Displaying 1 - 10 of 14

A guide by with useful questions, tips and orientations for making your organisations more participatory.
A manual launched by Save the Children in the framework of the project “A Civil Society for Children’s Rights in the MENA Region”, developed to support young people and adults/organizations to better understand Child Led Data Collection and the…
This publication provides practical information, guidelines, training materials, inspiring case studies and participatory tools to support organisations and professionals working with children to engage with children as rights holders and social…
Developed to help member states self-assess their compliance with the Council of Europe’s standards for youth policy, and to serve as a basis for self-paced youth policy development.
This Toolkit has been developed for those who are planning to involve children and young people in their initiatives and projects. It is informed by a children’s rights-based model of child participation – the Lundy Model.
Compass is a resource of information, tools and tips for human rights education with young people. It is currently available in more than 30 languages, ranging from Arabic and Japanese to Icelandic and Basque.
This report introduces and explains principles, concepts, and practical considerations, in order to fill gaps in understanding the practices of children’s participation in business. It is the result of a Global Child Forum research project aiming to…
The Referential of Good Practices aims to compile practices that have been or are being implemented by Portuguese and Norwegian entities acting in the area of the promotion of rights and the protection of children, based on child participation or…
This section of the Handbook focuses on the rights of individual children to have their views taken into account in day-to-day decision making, meetings, interviews, hearings and proceedings, for example in schools, early years centres, hospitals,…
This section of the Handbook focuses on the organisations or systems within which professionals work – for example, schools, early childhood education centres, hospitals, health clinics, offices, justice and child protection systems. It explores how…