Displaying 31 - 40 of 92

This report has been developed by Professor Laura Lundy and Dr Michelle Templeton of the Centre for Children’s Rights at Queen’s University Belfast, in the frame of the project “Protecting and Empowering Children as Human Rights Defenders” devised,…
This booklet is intended to support social workers to involve children in the process of safeguarding in a positive, supportive and enabling way.
Developed to help member states self-assess their compliance with the Council of Europe’s standards for youth policy, and to serve as a basis for self-paced youth policy development.
This framework identifies key aspects of adolescent participation and how it works in practice, with a view to building evidence to support adolescents’ right to participation.
We created a big conference for children to raise topics and explore solutions.
Published by the German Kindernothilfe (2019). This booklet encourages ‘taking off’ on the journey of children’s participation. Its chapters have been adapted to a child-friendly situation analysis tool – the Hot Air Balloon. This visual tool is…
A toolkit developed for children in Newport, by children in Newport as part of the Children First Pioneer Pilot, intended for use with Key Stage 2 aged children, in order to support them to conduct a research and action project in their school to…
Provides a contemporary consideration of the Convention to guide States towards a holistic implementation of child justice systems that promote and protect children’s rights. Available in English, French, Spanish, Russian, as well as Chinese and…
Compendium on the “The future of young people’s political participation: questions, challenges and opportunities” prepared by the EU – Council of Europe Youth Partnership (2019).