Displaying 11 - 20 of 21
This report introduces and explains principles, concepts, and practical considerations, in order to fill gaps in understanding the practices of children’s participation in business. It is the result of a Global Child Forum research project aiming to…
This is a tool to stimulate and support child participation opportunities in full respect for their rights, while keeping in mind the special attention required by children belonging to vulnerable groups or with personal conditions of vulnerability…
This section of the Handbook focuses on the rights of individual children to have their views taken into account in day-to-day decision making, meetings, interviews, hearings and proceedings, for example in schools, early years centres, hospitals,…
This section of the Handbook focuses on the organisations or systems within which professionals work – for example, schools, early childhood education centres, hospitals, health clinics, offices, justice and child protection systems. It explores how…
Very useful checklist to support meaningful participation in planning and evaluation based on the Lundy Model.
The Framework supports departments, agencies and organisations to improve their practice in listening to children and young people and giving them a voice in decision-making.
This study on child participation in philanthropy provides recommendations and clear examples of initiatives by foundations.
A guide for meaningful child and youth participation in philanthropy.
This video describes how 'The Ark', a cultural centre in Ireland dedicated to children, carried out the 'Hear Our Voice!' project. The intitative aimed at understanding from children what was important in accessing arts and culture services. The…
An introductory manual aimed at practitioners that provides a comprehensive overview of how to meaningfully engage children and young people in care reform.