Displaying 101 - 110 of 126
Final report on a study on child participation in EU political and democratic life, commissioned by the European Commission in 2020, published in 2021. The report covers 27 Member States and the UK. More than 200 children and young people shared…
A guide for meaningful child and youth participation in philanthropy.
This study on child participation in philanthropy provides recommendations and clear examples of initiatives by foundations.
A publication primarily for local governments who wish to establish or strengthen formal participatory mechanisms for children. The material draws on evidence from interviews undertaken in 2021 in 11 high-income countries. Children and supporting…
Children and young people were given the opportunity to propose ideas for promoting the rights of the child. Based on the ideas, children and young people voted on the ideas selected for the final implementation.
This video describes how 'The Ark', a cultural centre in Ireland dedicated to children, carried out the 'Hear Our Voice!' project. The intitative aimed at understanding from children what was important in accessing arts and culture services. The…
An introductory manual aimed at practitioners that provides a comprehensive overview of how to meaningfully engage children and young people in care reform.
This study represents another milestone on the journey of supporting philanthropic practice in becoming more inclusive and closer to those it serves. It is based on: a survey of and interviews with 40 European philanthropic organisations; focus…
The main goal was introduce CPAT to all participants, talk about Safety when including children, talk about the Myths which are present in our society and often shape our approaches towards children and together search principles in the…
To verify the CPAT indicators, we used research of laws, manuals, organized focus groups for children and adults, addressed the child and adult population through a questionnaire survey.